FILE........: EST_511.ZIP DATE........: 08-22-2023 (Includes v502_Patch_2 files) DESCRIPTION.: Estimate Program maintenance upgrade version 5.08 This file contains ALL previous maintenance upgrades. [EXCEPT THE FILE EPRT.MEM, see below] ZIPPED FILES: A DBF [4.38] A CDX [4.38] AV0001 DBF [5.04] AV0001 CDX [5.04] BACK_UP FXP [5.04] COPY_96 FXP [4.14] COUNTIES DBF [5.08] D DBF [5.00] D CDX [5.00] D FPT [5.00] E DBF [4.38] E CDX [4.38] EST FXP [5.00] FIX_EST2 FXP [4.33] FIX_EST3 EXE [4.38] FIX_EST4 EXE [5.00] FIX1 FXP [4.12] FUELTAB DBF [5.08] NEW_EST DBF [4.33] NEW_EST CDX [4.33] P DBF [5.00] P CDX [5.00] P_LISTS FXP [5.00] P_MAIN FXP [5.08] P_PROC FXP [5.06] P_REPROC FXP [5.06] PAY_ITEM FXP [5.00] PCAD_001 FXP [5.11]* PCAD_002 FXP [5.04] PFUEL_AD FXP [5.08] RETFILE DBF [5.02] S_HEADER FXP [5.04] S_MAIN FXP [5.05] S_PRT FXP [5.10] SET_PRT FXP [4.37] SPAY_ITE DBF [5.00] UPDN FXP [5.05] V_PRT FXP [5.10] VCAD_001 FXP [5.11]* VCAD_002 FXP [5.02] VER MEM [5.11]* ZPAY_ITE DBF [5.00] INSTALLATION: COPY the files from the ZIP file to to EST_96 folder, overwriting older files. The update files can then be erased. >>>>>>>>>>> [06-05-2009] SEE NOTE ON PRINTING BELOW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CORRECTS....: 134. [5.11] Updated CAD-001 to include cents on Progress Estimates. 133. [5.10] Updated Section Print/View to permit apostrophies in Bid Location names. 132. [5.09] Updated Section Print/View to permit apostrophies in County Engineer's names. 131. [5.08] Updated support for support for Fog Seal (CCS-1/CCS-1h) fuel adjustment. 130. [5.08] Added support for ERBR projects 129. [5.06] Added support for Fog Seal (CCS-1/CCS-1h) fuel adjustment. 128. [5.05] Added EFL and SEMP as supported project types. 127. [5.04] Updated Master Vendor procedures for new MAGIC vendor numbers. 126. [5.04] Updated Master Vendor file for new MAGIC vendor numbers. 125. [5.04] Added STP/BR as a supported project type. 124. [5.04] Updated printer support for subcontractor retainiage release. 123. [5.04] Updated support for subcontractor retainiage release. 122. [5.03] Updated support for subcontractor retainiage release. 121. [5.03] Added SEMP as a supported project type. 120. [5.03] Added STPD as a specifically supported project type. 119. [5.03] Corrected non-numeric calculatin of MCUR_TUNIT. 118. [5.03] Added RSIP as a supported project type. 117. [5.02] Added EFLH as a supported project type. 116. [5.02] Corrected Maintenance of Traffic calculations in P_MAIN to utilize correct fuel adjustment figures. 115. [5.02] Modified BACK_UP, P_MAIN, P_PROC, P_REPROC, PCAD_001, PCAD_002, S_HEADER and S_PRT and added a new data file to allow for subcontractor retainage release. 114. [5.01] Modified PCAD_001, PCAD_002, S_PRT, VCAD_001, VCAD_002 and V_PRT to display ARRA on "stimulus" projects. 113. [5.01] Updates Fuel Adjustment entry on Supplemental Agrement items. 112. [5.01] Modified S_PRT and V_PRT to print DECD-City projects properly. 111. [5.01] Modified S_PRT and V_PRT to print S-618-B properly. 110. [5.00] Added support for "HRRR" projects. 109. [5.00] Added changes for 2004 specifications functionality 108. [4.48] Changed the way the upload/download program does APL nameing 107. [4.48] Fixed Problem with Fuel Adjustment screen. 106. [4.48] Fixed inability to restore LSRP projects. 105. [4.48] Updated County Engineer data. 104. [4.47] General file freshening. 103. [4.46] Removed default item status from S-803-I. 102. [4.46] Rewrote the "Reindex" routine to repair damaged index files. 101. [4.46] Worked on the "upload" routine. 100. [4.46] Adds "NCPD" to the list of supported project types. 99. [4.45] Updated State Aid's Address. 98. [4.45] Fixed the Select Pay Item menu so that it starts on S-200-A. 97. [4.45] Expanded the total fields on the 902 for "non-negoitable" items. 96. [4.44] Allows projects with maximum field length project numbers to be restored. 95. [4.44] Expands supplemental agreement fuel type field to match "normal" fuel type field. 94. [4.44] Adds "TCSP" to the list of supported project types. 93. [4.44] Fixes the filename problem fix in the restore routine. 92. [4.43] Fixes filename problems in the restore routine. 91. [4.43] Fixes an error in the Section 902 code dealing with contractor substitution alternate items (i.e primes). 90. [4.43] Fixes error consolidating Participating and Non-Participating items for the Section 900/902. 90. [4.43] Syncronizes change between "Inside" and "Outside" program versions. 89. [4.43] Adds SAP-x(x)TP (Timber Pile Rehabilitation) projects to the list of supported project types 88. [4.42] Adds "LSRP" (Local System road Projects) to the list of supported project types. 87. [4.42] Adds "PLH" (Public Lands Highway) type projects to the list of supported project types. 86. [4.42] Fixes a problem setting up STPG projects. 85. [4.42] Improves the incorporation of Non-Participating items in the Section 900/902 printouts. 84. [4.41] Modifies the program handles DECD projects and allows city names. 83. [4.41] Adds "MS" type projects to the list of supported project types. 82. [4.41] Corrects errors encountered while sorting after running "Edit Individual Pay Item" menu option. 81. [4.40] Allows 14 character pay item number pay items to be added and edited using the "Master Pay Item Menu". 80. [4.40] Allows longer descriptions on Sheet 2-A of the Section 902. 79. [4.40] Corrects a problem sorting sizes amd sorting more than two (2) sets of roadway alternates. 78. [4.39] Corrects previously unknown problem with metric fuel adjustment. 77. [4.39] Compiles all interim updates 4.38a - 4.38e. 76. [4.38] Allows for project numbers up to 20 characters in length. *NOTES!* 75. [4.37] Due to changes in MDOT's Finanicial management System, Customer Account Numbers are no longer required and will not be printed and the lines "Approved", "Chief Engineer By ___________" and "Contracts Administration Engineer" have been removed from the CAD-001 for Federal projects. 74. [4.37] Allows for changes in Percent Retainage CD's on deposit to be saved and (while printing/viewing CAD-001). 73. [4.37] EST.FXP updated for version control. 72. [4.36] Corrects an error calculating metric fuel adjustments for asphalt primes and surface treatments. 71. [4.35] Adds support for LPG type projects. 70. [4.34] V_PRT and VCAD_002 add the ability to VIEW the CAD-002, as-well-as the Engineer's Estimate, Section 900 and Section 902. 69. [4.34] Corrects another obscure error with non-participating fuel adjustment. 68. [4.34] Adds pre-formed pile holed to the defaults in the Section 902. 67. [4.34] Corrects a problem in the Engineer's Estimate with subtotaling bridge sites when alternates are included. 66. [4.33] Increases the fuel price fields two places to the left of the decimal. 65. [4.33] Corrects an obscure error with non-participating fuel adjustment. 64. [4.32] Added updated P_MAIN to prevent pay item duplication during initial fuel price procedure. 63. [4.32] Added CRS-2P to the Inspector's Update Sheet and the Checklist. 62. [4.32] Corrected problem with reprocess not properly updatng AC-10 - AC-30. 61. [4.31] Corrected a typographical error in the routine to list items with reference numbers. 60. [4.31] Changed the way deselected alternates are handeled on the process side of the program and estimate mat. 59. [4.30] Corrects problem printing the fuel adjustment (Epson LQ printers). 58. [4.30] Corrects problems caused by database files being closed after adding supplemental agreement items. 57. [4.30] Corrects Final Fuel Adjustment on projects in liquidated damages. 56. [4.30] Modifies the default unit prices for S-618-A, S-803-B and S-803-I. 55. [4.29] Adds independent contractor (DECD) features. 54. [4.29] Corrects problems printing/viewing fuel adjustment. 53. [4.29] Corrects error "WINDOW VW_1 NOT DEFINED" when adding or editing vendor information from the CAD-001 set-up screen. 52. [4.29] Clears Screen before final fuel adjustment. 51. [4.28] Added CRS-2P to the database FUELTAB.DBF. 50. [4.28] Fixed sloppy workmanship on project pay item menu, process option, reprocess option and fuel adjustment. 49. [4.27] Included program FIX_EST.FXP to add CRS-2P field to EST_HEAD.DBF (uses files NEW_EST.DBF). 48. [4.27] Modified the program to allow greater control of form feeds and delays. 47. [4.27] Fixed the program to properly calculate maintenance of traffic on a final. 46. [4.27] Modified S_HEADER to accept & translate project numbers entered without dashes. 45. [4.27] Modified PCAD-002 not to change mobilization & maintenance of traffic into percentages when listed as "DEPENDENT" items on an MDOT estimate. 44. [4.27] Updated all requires files to allow CRS-2P as a seperately adjusted fuel item. 43. [4.26] Corrected the way REPROCESS addresses liquidated damages and fuel adjustment 42. [4.25] Updated the CAD-001 so that the set-up can be printed/ viewed brfore the pay item list is created. 41. [4.25] Updated the program so it would allow ONLY project with Estimate Mats and Pay Item lists to be transferred to process status. 40. [4.25] Changed mininum county name input length from 4 to 3. 39. [4.25] Corrected a misspelled word displayed while Processing/ Reprocessing an estimate. 38. [4.25] Updated address in the COUNTIES.DBF file. 37. [4.24] Added field to COUNTIES.DBF to allow for lettings not held at the county courthouse. 36. [4.24] Added the ability to place a delay between multiple forms while printing. 35. [4.24] Corrected problem losing roadway alternates during sort the procedure. 34. [4.24] Corrected syntax and spelling in the Section 900 printout. 33. [4.23A] Added S_PRT.FXP which was inadvertently left out of EST_423.EXE. 32. [4.23] Added AG to the list of known project types. 31. [4.23] Corrected error with 901-S-618 Additional Construction Signs in metric Section 902. 30. [4.23] Corrected problems with final fuel adjustment. 29. [4.22] Corrected problem not updating project status to final on menus. 28. [4.22] Corrected problem on CAD-001 not Xing out PROCESS on finals. 27. [4.22] Corrected problem not printing final fuel adjustment if there was no final period fuel adjustment. 26. [4.22] Corrected error FILE DOES NOT EXIST: SCROLL.PRG in the "ENTER INITIAL FUEL DATA" selection. 25. [4.22] Adjusted the Section 902 to allow for quantities in excess of 1 million. 24. [4.22] Corrected in sorting and calcualting new extended totals after editing with EDIT INDIVIDUAL PAY ITEMS. 23. [4.22] Corrects the problems associated with correcting Vendor information from the CAD-001 set up program. 22. [4.21] Corrected errors occurring while printing fuel adjustment. 21. [4.20] Added DPC to list of known project types. 20. [4.20] Allows the use of an aprostrophe (') in the road name without causing an error when printing the Section 900. 19. [4.20] Corrected problem of not printing in Letter Quality, when selected, when printing "FULL ESTIMATE W/ATTACHMENTS", checklists, etc. on Epson LQ-1050 printers. 18. [4.19] Corrected a problem with the CAD-001 printing on Epson LQ-1050 printers. 17. [4.19] Corrected several problems with the Section 900 printout. 16. [4.19] Corrected several problems with the Engineer's Estimate printout. 15. [4.18] Corrected several problems with the Section 902 printout. 14. [4.18] Corrected grammer for several selections on the "SET UP" menu. 13. [4.17] Corrected error not accepting lower case letters in the PART_NON field in the 'EDIT QUANTITIES" procedure on the Pay Item menu. 12. [4.17] Corrected "SUBTOTAL PROJECT" on the Engineer's Estimate for non-federal projects. 11. [4.16] Corrected error not capitalizing field ROAD_SITE in the 'EDIT QUANTITIES" procedure on the Pay Item menu. 10. [4.16] Misspelled word DESCRIMINATED corrected to DISCRIMINATED in Section 900 printout. Modified Section 902 printout to print Site "X" in proper case. 9. [4.15] Corrected error in CAD-001 Create/Edit program in accepting manually entered vendor numbers and modified it to enter default Fund, Account, Function and Object values when creating a non-State Aid estimate. 8. [4.14] Modified COPY_96.FXP so that it would skip existing "NEW" Estimate Program projects if it was re-run. 7. [4.13] Misspelled word RECIEVED corrected to RECEIVED in Section 900 printout. The Section 900 printout was also modified to display blanks in place of omitted date and time data. 6. [4.13] Error in COPY_96 eading "SET_UP" side data from old program. 5. [4.12] Error accepting "y" and "n" in the SPC_PROV field in the 'EDIT QUANTITIES" procedure on the Pay Item menu. 4. [4.12] Error "WINDOW V_COVER NOT FOUND" in the procedures to update Vendor information from the OED-001 set-up. 3. [4.12] Error in COPY_96 - Not setting SPC_PROV for "Process" pay items. 2. [4.11] Error in Final Fuel Adjustment calculation when there was no participating fuel adjustment. 1. [4.11] Error determining detail code from SAP project numbers. Contents of FIXDBF_1.EXE and initial issue version. --------------------------------------------------- EPRT MEM [4.27] FIX_EST FXP [4.27] NEW_EST DBF [4.27] NEW_EST CDX [4.27] (See notes 04/14/1997) NOTES: [06-05-2009] 1. Updated printing routines for ARRA projects and subcontractor retainage release are only available using HP Laserjet 4 emulation (Currently Selected Printer). [12-10-2007] 1. Run the program FIX_EST4.EXE to update necessary databases. FIX_EST4.EXE may then be deleted. [10-22-1998] 1. Run the program FIX_EST3.EXE to update necessary databases. FIX_EST3.EXE may then be deleted. [09-30-1997] 1. [UPDATING FROM VERSION 4.32 OR EARILER] Once you have installed the update, run the program file FIX_EST2.FXP from the C:\EST_96 prompt: C:\EST_96> C:\FPD26RT\FOXR FIX_EST2. This program updates the EST_HEAD.DBF file. When complete, you may erase FIX_EST2.FXP, NEW_EST.DBF and NEW_EST.CDX. [04-14-1997] 1. If you have not installed v 4.27 or 4.28, download or obtain and expand the file FIXDBF_1.EXE and complete the sections 1 & 2 under [02-10-97], FIRST. Next, do section 2 under [02-14-97]. [02-14-1997] 1. If you have NOT installed v 4.27, complete the section under [02-10-97] below, first. 2. Edit S-410-G; POLYMERIZED, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT GRADE CRS-2P; in the ENGLISH master pay item list to have an adjustment code of A2 (the metric CRS-2P item already has it). 3. Since EPRT.MEM was updated (in 4.27), you will need to reselect your printer and port on the print control dialog. [02-10-1997] 1. Copy EPRT.MEM to the TEMP directory, then ERASE it from the EST_96 directory. 2. Run the program file FIX_EST.FXP from the C:\EST_96 prompt: C:\EST_96> C:\FPD26RT\FOXR FIX_EST. This program updates the EST_HEAD.DBF file. When complete, you may erase FIX_EST.FXP, NEW_EST.DBF and NEW_EST.CDX. 3. Additional form feeds can be controlled by selecting "OTHER PRINTING OPTIONS". If a check appears in front, some options are selected. The default selection is: [X] FORM FEED AFTER PAGE [ ] FORM FEED AFTER PAGE PRINTING DELAY O SECONDS BETWEEN FORMS These are the proper settings for most systems. If the printer adds a blank page between pages, uncheck FORM FEED AFTER PAGE. If the last page is left in the printer, check FOR FEED AFTER PRINTING. If you are expirencing "PRINTER NOT READY" errors while printing multiple forms. Adjust the delay between forms as necessary. Selecting CANCEL will return the settings to their original configuration. 4. If you are still expirencing "PRINTER NOT READY" errors while printing multiple forms AND you have added a delay, add the following line to the autoexec.bat: MODE LPT1,,P This tells DOS not to timeout the print buffer but continue printing in spite of it. (It SHOULD work on Windows 95 machines.) 5. The program will perform the mathematical functions required for MDOT estimate however, MDOT will NOT accept estimates printed through the program. So run them & type them on MDOT's forms. [10-15-1996] Use the print delay function if you are expirencing "PRINTER NOT READY" errors while printing multiple forms. Adjust the delay as necessary. Click on ADD DELAY BETWEEN FORMS, or move the highlight to it and press the space bar, to select it. Then enter the number of seconds to delay between printing forms. [06-13-1996] The file FIX1.FXP will fix the data ALREADY copied with the original version of COPY_96. To run FIX1.FXP type C:\FPD26DT\FOXR FIX1 at the C:\EST_96 prompt. (Where C:\FPD26RT is the FoxPro runtime directory and C:\EST_96 id the "NEW" Estimate Program directory.)